2019 Yukon Quest | Live from the Finish Line

What an incredible experience we had this Monday. We had press pass access to the Yukon Quest – Official Site Finish Line Event. We welcomed Brent Sass from Wild and Free Mushing as he crossed the finish line as champion of the 2019 Yukon Quest.

Never have we seen such humility and love for dogs. From the Yukon Quest staff, to the mushers and all the incredible volunteers, so much passion and love is invested into these dogs.

Congratulations Brent and all the other mushers!




Alaska Moose Hunt

There is nothing better than exploring Alaska’s vast beauty together as a family. Especially in the fall, when the fresh air and the incredible colors start settling in. Join us on our recent family moose hunt in the interior of Alaska. Thank you for being such a big part of our lives.

Lots of Love,

Steve, Simone, Amy Faye, Lily and Hendrik