Beautiful Aurora

What a miraculous Aurora show we got to see last night right here at Alaska Haven. Wrapped up in blankets, we enjoyed sharing this beautiful display and evening with our guest.

#lovealaska #livealaska #alaskahaven

2016 Aurora Alaska Haven 1

Aurora 2016 processed20_4

Aurora 2016 processed14_1

Aurora 2016 processed7_1

Aurora 2016 processed20_4


A Surprise Visitor

We love these kind of guest at Alaska Haven! Moose are such peaceful animals. It is such a joy to watch them.

Breathtaking Sunset

While we have lived here for over 10 years, we will never take for granted the beautiful and picture perfect scenery we get to experience. This sunset was captured leaving Alaska Haven on a cross-country ski trip. We love having the opportunity to offer our guest specialist adventures and showing them how beautiful life in Alaska truly is.