Have a Blessed Sunday

God’s glory can be seen in all creation from watching a flower bloom as it grows from the tiniest seed or hiking up the tallest peaks overlooking vast valleys, to listening to birds sing or just sitting still.

May we never take these glimpses for granted. They are a beautiful reminder of the gift we have through Christ’s death and resurrection and a promise of his coming.

Have a blessed Sunday ❤️

Dipnetting the Copper River, Chitina

We recently had the opportunity to Dipnetting for Salmon. While there are many locations in Alaska to fish, the Copper River in Chitina offers some of the best Salmon in the entire State.

Dipnetting can become very dangerous if not equipped properly, and it is best to prepare before hand by learning more about the Copper River, equipment needed and safety.

As a household of 5, we are permitted to catch up to 65 salmon. This time, however we did not catch any which only means we will be back soon.

Please find dipnetting resources below to learn more and please don’t hesitate to send any questions you may have.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game

Chitina Dipnetters Association (Fish Count, Water Level, Fishing Reports)

Online Permits



Grapefruit Rocks | Alaska Hiking Trails

Grapefruit Rocks | Alaska Hiking Trails | Alaska Haven

One of our favorite things to do is to explore places in Alaska we have not visited yet. This past week, we hiked Grapefruit Rocks and it was worth the incline! Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the hike, how to get there or any other activities available in the area as we would be happy to answer them.

Thank you for exploring Alaska with us and being part of our journey!
Alaska.org offers information on all the trails in the State and is an invaluable resource: https://www.alaska.org/detail/grapefruit-rocks

How to Tap Birch Trees | Birch Sap Harvest, Processing and Health Benefits

Spring Time:

Spring time in Alaska is a very special season. After a long, cold and dark winter, the sun starts rising earlier and setting later every day. The warmth, melting snow and the sound of birds remind us that we have survived another winter season and that the upcoming spring is just around the corner. A season full of life and adventure.


One of those adventures in early spring is tapping Birch trees. While we are by no means experts on the subject of tapping Birch trees, we most definitely enjoy the family time and memories it offers.

Best time to tap Birch Trees:

This year we tapped the trees beginning April. It is the perfect time of that year as the temperatures are still below freezing during the night. The trick is to catch the Birch Sap as it travels up the tree to bring the nutrients to the soon blooming leaves. Once the leaves start blooming, the tapping season is over.

How to tap Birch Trees:

Choosing healthy Birch trees is key to harvesting high quality sap. We used a drill, with a 3/8 inch drill bit, drilling an 1.5 inch hole at a slight angle into the tree. We then hammered the 1/2 inch taps into the hole and within seconds the Birch sap started flowing (well, everyone but my tree, which happened to be dead;).


We attached half gallon water jugs to the taps and secured them with a strap to help reduce some of the weight as the jugs fill. It is important to check the trees every day and harvest the sap as it is fresh to further process it. This year we made Birch syrup and also froze some of it for Lily as she struggles greatly with allergies. Birch Sap is  many important health benefits.

Other Resources:

The University of Alaska Cooperative Extension website is an incredible resource for harvesting and processing any Alaskan food.

To watch our Birch Tapping How to Video and how we processed it, please click on the video below or visit our Alaska Haven Youtube Channel. Don’t forget to subscribe! Thank you for being part our our life as we experience Alaska.



America’s Most Northern Brewery | Silver Gulch Brewery| IABA Homeshow

Date Night – They don’t happen as often as they should, however they refresh the souls and marriage. We attended the annual IABA Homeshow in Fairbanks and enjoyed a beautiful dinner at the most northern brewery Silver Gulch. It was perfect evening.

Thank you for being part of our journey.


The Proctor Family



Alaska State Cabins


After a long winter, it was time for our annual Cabin snow machine trip. There are so many things we love about this family tradition, the time to recharge, spend time in God’s creation, making family memories and exploring new things together…There are too many to count. After a fun first day at the cabin, we spend the next day snow machining to another State Cabin and enjoyed the rest of the day homeschooling, making dinner and playing games.

As promised in the video, please find information regarding Alaska State Cabin by following the link below, They are a great resource for budget friendly traveling and exploring new beautiful areas Alaska.


Please don’t hesitate to send any questions.

With Love,

The Proctors



2019 Yukon Quest | Live from the Finish Line

What an incredible experience we had this Monday. We had press pass access to the Yukon Quest – Official Site Finish Line Event. We welcomed Brent Sass from Wild and Free Mushing as he crossed the finish line as champion of the 2019 Yukon Quest.

Never have we seen such humility and love for dogs. From the Yukon Quest staff, to the mushers and all the incredible volunteers, so much passion and love is invested into these dogs.

Congratulations Brent and all the other mushers!




Alaska Moose Hunt

There is nothing better than exploring Alaska’s vast beauty together as a family. Especially in the fall, when the fresh air and the incredible colors start settling in. Join us on our recent family moose hunt in the interior of Alaska. Thank you for being such a big part of our lives.

Lots of Love,

Steve, Simone, Amy Faye, Lily and Hendrik