10 Top Things to do in Alaska

Planning a visit to Alaska during the winter time? Follow the link below to learn more about the top 10 things to do in Alaska – Winter Edition!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding travel, adventures and life in Alaska!

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Beautiful Sunsets

While our daylight in North Pole keeps getting shorter by the day, our 3 pm sunsets just keep getting better and better.


Thankful for the thoughtfulness of our guest! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to meet so many incredible people from all around the world.

New Treats

Our director of hospitality decided to create new welcome treats for our guest…Blueberry Muffins!

Morris Thompson Visitor Center Visit

Today we had the privilege of hosting the amazing staff from the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center here at Alaska Haven. After lunch, they toured our property, amenities, Vacation Rental and learned all about our new expansion project. We couldn’t ask for better business partners!

Beautiful Aurora

What a miraculous Aurora show we got to see last night right here at Alaska Haven. Wrapped up in blankets, we enjoyed sharing this beautiful display and evening with our guest.

#lovealaska #livealaska #alaskahaven

2016 Aurora Alaska Haven 1

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Hatcher Pass

After all these years of living in Alaska, we finally had the opportunity to explore Hatcher Pass. By far, this has been one of the most beautiful places we have seen in Alaska. What a blessing to be surrounded by God’s breathtaking and humbling creation.


The Historical Mine Hatcher Pass…

And off course, the fireweed has been beautiful in color…