
Your continued support and love mean so much to us and we would like to thank each of you by giving away one of these beautiful Yukon Quest posters signed by each of the mushers.

To enter, visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel and comment on one of the videos.

Winner will be announced on Sunday, 24th of 2010.

To watch the 2019 Yukon Quest video, follow the link below:

Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to join us on our adventures in Alaska.

Beautiful Aurora

What a miraculous Aurora show we got to see last night right here at Alaska Haven. Wrapped up in blankets, we enjoyed sharing this beautiful display and evening with our guest.

#lovealaska #livealaska #alaskahaven

2016 Aurora Alaska Haven 1

Aurora 2016 processed20_4

Aurora 2016 processed14_1

Aurora 2016 processed7_1

Aurora 2016 processed20_4


Hatcher Pass

After all these years of living in Alaska, we finally had the opportunity to explore Hatcher Pass. By far, this has been one of the most beautiful places we have seen in Alaska. What a blessing to be surrounded by God’s breathtaking and humbling creation.


The Historical Mine Hatcher Pass…

And off course, the fireweed has been beautiful in color…

Incredible Northern Lights filmed over Fairbanks, Alaska in Real-time 4K

Truly Breathtaking!!

Aurora Season is in Full Swing

Tips for Photographing the Northern Lights

It may seem impossible to capture the dancing lights, but follow these tips and you’ll be able to show the folks back home! Please feel free to contact us today to reserve your upcoming stay at Alaska Haven or to learn more about photographing the Northern Lights.

  • Locate a dark area with minimal light pollution. Point your camera to the northern sky and compose your medium-distance foreground with fixed object such as trees, hills or a cabin.
  • Use a digital camera with manual settings and a solid tripod. Bring extra camera batteries and a flashlight and dress for extended times outdoors.
  • Manually set your camera on its highest ISO setting, widest focal point and lowest aperture.
  • Expose each shot for approximately 5 to 10 seconds. Longer exposures will result in brighter images, but stars will streak and the aurora will soften. Short exposures may have sharper detail but dimmer images.
  • Every aurora and camera is distinctive, so experiment with different settings and exposure times to get the best shot. Review your shots and adjust the settings as needed.

Catch the Train Photo Contest

Catch the Train with the #AlaskaRailroad calendar contest! Enter your best Railroad photos now through Dec. 13, 2015, to be entered for a chance to be featured in our 2016-2017 calendar, free train travel and maybe even $1,500! Use the Facebook tab to the left to enter. Participants can enter as many photos as they like. Read more about the contest guidelines here: