New Baby Chicks

Yesterday we welcomed ten new baby chicks to Alaska Haven. We are so excited that our guest will be able to enjoy fresh eggs soon as well:)

2016 Family Hunting Trip

What an incredible experience to enjoy spending a week in the wilderness of Alaska. On our recent hunt for moose, we rode hours and hiked miles through Alaska’s remote terrain. Being able to spend this time together as family was the greatest blessing of all.

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Hatcher Pass

After all these years of living in Alaska, we finally had the opportunity to explore Hatcher Pass. By far, this has been one of the most beautiful places we have seen in Alaska. What a blessing to be surrounded by God’s breathtaking and humbling creation.


The Historical Mine Hatcher Pass…

And off course, the fireweed has been beautiful in color…

A Surprise Visitor

We love these kind of guest at Alaska Haven! Moose are such peaceful animals. It is such a joy to watch them.