Grapefruit Rocks | Alaska Hiking Trails

Grapefruit Rocks | Alaska Hiking Trails | Alaska Haven

One of our favorite things to do is to explore places in Alaska we have not visited yet. This past week, we hiked Grapefruit Rocks and it was worth the incline! Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the hike, how to get there or any other activities available in the area as we would be happy to answer them.

Thank you for exploring Alaska with us and being part of our journey! offers information on all the trails in the State and is an invaluable resource:

10 Top Things to do in Alaska

Planning a visit to Alaska during the winter time? Follow the link below to learn more about the top 10 things to do in Alaska – Winter Edition!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding travel, adventures and life in Alaska!

Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube ❄️

Alaska Moose Hunt

There is nothing better than exploring Alaska’s vast beauty together as a family. Especially in the fall, when the fresh air and the incredible colors start settling in. Join us on our recent family moose hunt in the interior of Alaska. Thank you for being such a big part of our lives.

Lots of Love,

Steve, Simone, Amy Faye, Lily and Hendrik

Alaska Haven From Above

Some days we still can’t believe we have the privilege of living here surrounded by the breathtaking and beautiful nature Alaska has to offer. We invite you to stay with us at Alaska Haven and experience life in Alaska with us. Every season, every day is an opportunity for a new adventure or to just sit still and soak it all in. Visit our website or call us today to learn more about Alaska Haven. Please feel free to share:)


Thankful for the thoughtfulness of our guest! We are so blessed to have the opportunity to meet so many incredible people from all around the world.

“Tis the season – Book Your Snow Machine Tour Today

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Breathtaking Sunset

While we have lived here for over 10 years, we will never take for granted the beautiful and picture perfect scenery we get to experience. This sunset was captured leaving Alaska Haven on a cross-country ski trip. We love having the opportunity to offer our guest specialist adventures and showing them how beautiful life in Alaska truly is.