Alaska Moose Hunt

There is nothing better than exploring Alaska’s vast beauty together as a family. Especially in the fall, when the fresh air and the incredible colors start settling in. Join us on our recent family moose hunt in the interior of Alaska. Thank you for being such a big part of our lives.

Lots of Love,

Steve, Simone, Amy Faye, Lily and Hendrik

Northern Lights Timelaps

One of our sweet guest send us this awesome Northern Lights time laps filmed at our property:) Love the shooting star!!


2016 Family Hunting Trip

What an incredible experience to enjoy spending a week in the wilderness of Alaska. On our recent hunt for moose, we rode hours and hiked miles through Alaska’s remote terrain. Being able to spend this time together as family was the greatest blessing of all.

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Beautiful Aurora

What a miraculous Aurora show we got to see last night right here at Alaska Haven. Wrapped up in blankets, we enjoyed sharing this beautiful display and evening with our guest.

#lovealaska #livealaska #alaskahaven

2016 Aurora Alaska Haven 1

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Adventurous Day Trip

I had the joy and privilege of taking my mom on a quick adventure. Just a quick drive from Alaska Haven, and we found ourselves in the midst of this beautiful and untouched creation. We chased a moose, talked, laughed, made a camp fire, drove the atv, took a boat ride, picked blueberries and had a yummy dinner. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. But best of all, we are so blessed to be surrounded by family, friends, our wonderful guest and share this life with them:)

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Northern Lights Cake

We had a wonderful time creating this Northern Lights cake for a guest. Best of all, it is amazingly delicious.


Had a great time creating this Northern Lights cake for a guest’s birthday. #alaskahaven #livealaska

Posted by Alaska Haven on Thursday, March 10, 2016

Aurora in Full Swing

We are beyond thankful for this amazing Aurora Season. Alaska Haven has been surrounded by these light shows and our guest have been able to enjoy them in unusual warm weather. We are excited to start offering photography workshops on location. Please contact our office to learn more.

2016 Interior Tourism Conference

I had the privilege to enjoy this years Interior Tourism Conference with our amazing Alaska Haven staff. Thankful for all the fun, yummy food, wonderful relationships, new ideas and market insights. Looking forward to an incredible 2016!!
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New Bedrooms are almost done!

We have had such a great time designing and decorating our new Alaska Haven Bed and Breakfast rooms. There are almost completed. We are excited to welcome our first guest in February when this part of Alaska Haven will officially open its doors. We are beyond thankful for all the support, help and prayers:)

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