Aurora in Full Swing

We are beyond thankful for this amazing Aurora Season. Alaska Haven has been surrounded by these light shows and our guest have been able to enjoy them in unusual warm weather. We are excited to start offering photography workshops on location. Please contact our office to learn more.

2016 Interior Tourism Conference

I had the privilege to enjoy this years Interior Tourism Conference with our amazing Alaska Haven staff. Thankful for all the fun, yummy food, wonderful relationships, new ideas and market insights. Looking forward to an incredible 2016!!
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North Pole Christmas in Ice

It is time again for our North Pole annual Christmas in Ice Celebration!! A must do for anyone traveling to Alaska. The 6-week winter ice park located next to Santa Claus House, features Christmas-themed ice art competition pieces, ice slides and a maze, twirlers, indoor kids’ crafts, and educational ice sculpture demonstrations, adding color and light to our Interior Alaska winter. This unique ice park is constantly evolving throughout the 6 weeks. New sculptures and kid’s park pieces are added almost weekly.

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Breathtaking Sunset

While we have lived here for over 10 years, we will never take for granted the beautiful and picture perfect scenery we get to experience. This sunset was captured leaving Alaska Haven on a cross-country ski trip. We love having the opportunity to offer our guest specialist adventures and showing them how beautiful life in Alaska truly is.

Caribou Hunt

Living in Alaska is more than an adventure, it truly is a lifestyle. We have been “working hard” hunting in order to provide meat for the upcoming season. After tracking the moving of the caribou herds for a week up north, we decided to drive up the famous Haul Road reaching our destination at around 25o miles north of the Arctic Circle. The remote and vast landscapes of the north are truly breathtaking and humbling. Stalking various herds of caribou for a few days, ranging from 50 to 500 in number, we finally were able to get within 30 yards to harvest one caribou with a bow and arrow. After driving 350 miles, sleeping in a tent for several nights at -20 degrees fahrenheit, and hunting all day, we headed for home thankful, cold and very tired.

After this successful caribou hunt, we enjoyed processing the meat as a family. This time we chose to make Bacon Beer Caribou Brats and Jalapeño Cheese Summer Sausage. They turned out amazing and can only be tasted here at Alaska Haven.

#alaska #alaskahaven #livealaska #hunting #caribou #food #recipe #beer brats #bacon #summersausage #bedandbreakfast #hotel

Family Hunting Trip

This past weekend has been a true blessing. We had the opportunity to stay in a beautiful cabin in the middle of the snow covered mountains only a close drive away from Alaska Haven.

The view from the cabin and the sound of the running water just completed this wonderful family get away.

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The weather was wonderful and the views we enjoyed were breathtaking.

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We hiked and drove the atvs during the day watching for moose and of course playing in the snow;)

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The evenings consisted of a warm and cozy fire, playing games and cooking dinner…LOVE ALASKA!!

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